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The name “Laaiplaas” has got two possible origins: One is that the hunters of yesteryear used this location as a place to load (laai) their muskets for the hunt before the walk into the mountain started.
The other one is that the farm is quite hidden behind the koppie which reminds one of the small hidden drawers (laaitjies) of antique dressing tables.

The farm was originally used for grazing under the old grazing permit system. The first Deeds of Transfer were registered around 1907 which is also the year in which the main house was built. The first farmers survived the initial development stages of their vineyards and orchards by planting Calabash as a cash crop. The dried calabash were in demand for various household items such as bowls and dry goods scoops and small ones were used for darning socks, but the main demand was to produce quality necks for Calabash smoking pipes. Later when the calabash became less popular the main crops were fruit (which was mostly dried for export, or sold to jam factories) and wine grapes which the farmers had to process into wine in their own cellars. This system lasted until large co-operative wine cellars became the norm.

After changing owners a few times, Laetitia's father bought the farm in 1965 and continued farming with fruit and wine grapes. In 1990 Eric and Laetitia took over the farm. They wanted to share with others the blessing of living in this peaceful environment and it was decided to renovate the old farm workers' houses and upgrade them into self-catering cottages. As a result De Hoop Cottages opened its doors in 2009, offering self-catering farm accommodation. Today the farm produces fruit, we rear free ranging calves and, together with the indispensable help of husband-and-wife team, Adam and Jacoba, continue to create a peaceful haven to all who is in need of a getaway where they can rest and recover.

Still to be seen on the farm is the old wine cellar from the years of cultivating vines, and the old stable where sheep, a few cattle and a few horses were kept.

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De Hoop Cottages is Tripadvisor Traveler's Choice 2022
De Hoop Cottages is an Afristay Best Value Accommodation
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